Addiction impacts millions of people worldwide. For those on the path to recovery, support from
others is critical. Experts at Addiction Recovery Care, a leading provider of treatment services in
Kentucky, say that while professional treatment is important, peer support is another aspect of
recovery that can be just as crucial to transforming lives.
Peers have been through substance use themselves and share a unique bond and
understanding of the challenges that come with addiction and recovery. A peer-based recovery
model provides those in treatment encouragement, empathy, and guidance throughout their
recovery process.
One of the most impactful advantages of peer support is providing individuals in recovery with a
safe space to talk. Their shared experiences, having walked a similar path, fosters empathy and
creates a culture that allows those in recovery to know they are not alone and have someone
who truly understands their journey. In addition, peer support builds ownership and
accountability, allowing those already in recovery to become leaders and mentors.
Brandon Conlin, director of peer support services for Addiction Recovery Care, has taken the
lead in establishing a Kentucky affiliate of the National Peer Recovery Alliance. NPRA-KY brings
peers together throughout the state, educates others on the role of peers, and develops best
practices to advance the profession.
“Peers have personal experience navigating the treatment and recovery process. Each of us
has unique insights to share,” said Conlin. “We want to give peers a voice and a seat at the
table so that we can increase access to peer support services and help more of our neighbors
and loved ones find hope and healing after addiction.”
Peer-based recovery is not limited by time or place. Peer support services can effectively extend
the reach of treatment beyond the clinical setting into everyday life.
If you or your loved one needs help today, call our 24-hour intake line at (888) 592-0004.